The Australian Citizenship Test has been updated, and a comprehensive guide is available to provide an in-depth understanding of the changes and updates.

The New Australian Citizenship Test, which is more challenging than the previous one, was introduced on November 15th 2020

Alan Tudge (Acting Minister for Immigration) stated in a recent release that the test focuses on Australian Values.

For most Australian citizens by conferral applicants, the test of citizenship is part and parcel of their application.

  • To pass your citizenship test, you must have the following:
  • Basic knowledge of English
  • What it means to be an Australian citizen
  • The knowledge and responsibilities of Australian citizenship and its obligations and privileges are essential
  • Understand and commit to Australian Values based on Freedom, Respect and Equality

There are several changes to the updated Australian citizenship test.
Questions that have been revised
The Australian Values Questionnaire: New Questions
The new test requires that applicants answer all five questions correctly on Australian Values. They must also achieve an overall score of 75% to pass, or 15 questions correct out of twenty.

Test format remains the same: 20 multiple-choice answers in 45 min.

Only the sections of Australian Citizenship : Our Common Bond that can be tested will be examined.

Why is it harder to pass the Australian Citizenship Test now?

  • This new booklet contains a much larger amount of information that you can learn.
  • The number of testable sections has increased from 3 to 4. (Part 4 is all about Australian values)
  • The applicant must correctly answer the 5 Australian Values questions.
  • This section contains a glossary of terms to help you learn.
  • The focus is more on English language literacy. It is expected that most applicants will have sufficient language skills to successfully complete the citizenship exam without any assistance.

Why did the change in test take place?

The Australian government has over time made it increasingly difficult for migrants who wish to become citizens of Australia. In the face of increasing challenges in addressing social unity, and interference from foreign countries, a more rigorous values test is being introduced.

The new Australian citizenship test puts a strong focus on Australian Values. Values such as dignity and freedom of all people, equality of opportunity between men and women, importance of democracy, Rule of Law and other shared values promote safety and peace in any nation. All people are united by shared values.

To help migrants integrate into Australian society, they are required to use and learn English in accordance with Australian values. Communication in English is seen as important for unifying society. It is a great way to get a job or education, and it helps you integrate with Australian culture.

It is difficult to earn citizenship or get it for cheap.

Australian citizenship offers a number of benefits including better job opportunities. The final step will allow you to declare “I am Australian!”

Are you looking for help in preparing to take the New Australian Citizenship Test ?

We provide a comprehensive online training to help you pass the updated Australian Citizenship Test.

The program includes all of the latest updates.

We have prepared thousands of Australian Citizenship Test candidates.

Take your test confidently and with ease.